Wellness Chiropractic

Many people consider Chiropractics to be a practice of fixing pain and injury, specifically to the neck and spine. While much of our time is spent on repair of injury, this is only a small portion of what Chiropractic care encompasses. For the majority of our practice we focus on wellness care, helping our patients with more than pain relief. Chiropractic is part of your healthy lifestyle that involves all aspects of wellness, including exercise, nutrition, personal development, and stress relief.
Chiropractics as Preventive Medicine

Due to the way that people tend to view Chiropractic care, they wait until they are in severe, often debilitating, pain before they seek care. While we may be able to help you, the truth is that Chiropractics is meant to be a preventive medicine. Used properly, and periodically, Chiropractics may help you not only eliminate pain, but avoid other progressive diseases, such as osteoarthritis and disc disease.
Benefits of Chiropractics

There are many benefits to ongoing and regular Chiropractic treatment, the most commonly mentioned is an absence of pain. Others include better posture, slowing or stopping of degenerative spinal issues and better performance. Many professional and collegiate athletes use regular Chiropractic care to naturally enhance their competitiveness.
Posture, and proper alignment, is likely the largest benefit to using chiropractic care. Having and maintaining a proper posture has been linked to longevity, a reduction in chronic fatigue or strain on your body’s ligaments and muscles. Additionally, having a properly aligned spine properly protects your internal organs and nervous system.
Schedule a FREE Consultation or Adjustment Today