Personal Injury Recovery

Chiropractic care is quite possibly the most effective therapy for decreasing the soft tissue pain, and restoring the strength and integrity of tissue injured as a result of an accident. Las Vegas Chiropractors, Dr. Jared Norman and Dr. Shawn Larkin, utilize a variety of therapies to resolve your joint and muscle pain. Long term health benefits and relief following an auto accident may best be achieved with chiropractic care.
If you are a victim of an auto accident or have suffered any type of personal injury accident, you should schedule a consultation with a chiropractor. The underlying concerns a general examination may miss could cause you discomfort or pain.

Car Accident Injury Care

When you have been involved in an car accident, you need immediate action which serves two purposes; diagnosis and documentation of injuries. When necessary we work with a variety of physicians and rehabilitation therapists to ensure you receive the maximum benefits from your chiropractic care. Our goal is to return your body back to the state it was in before the car accident occurred.
Your Job Should Be To Heal
Suffering an automobile accident can be a very challenging situation on a number of different levels. The pain you suffer along with the stress of dealing with your insurance company, auto mechanic, and missing work, can be overwhelming.

Even in minor accidents, underlying injuries may have occurred. In many instances they are minor, but even in seemingly minor accidents major injuries may occur. The only way to know the severity of your injuries is to seek medical diagnosis by a well experienced Chiropractor, like the team at Nevada Spine and Disc.
If there are any injuries you don’t feel now but may suffer in the future, you want to be sure you know about them. An examination from a trained Chiropractor now, can help you avoid major issues you could suffer in the future.
We also gladly accept personal injury liens, Medical Payments and auto insurance claims.
MedPay Auto Insurance Claims Accepted