Avoid Surgery or Powerful Medicines

Between unthinkable side effects and the potential for addiction many patients will do anything to avoid prescription use. Thankfully, with Chiropractic treatment and therapy options, Nevada Spine and Disc can help you avoid surgery and reduce, or in some cases eliminate, the need for prescription medications.
Pain Meds May Increase Recory Time
Recent research has many doctors second guessing the use of pain medications as an ongoing treatment for chronic pain. Despite the fact that many are habit forming, if not down right addictive, recent research indicates that they may actually prohibit the body’s natural ability to heal. How is this possible, you may ask. The answer was In the need for the medications in the first place.
The same chemical reaction we get to stop pain also stops blood flow and therefore oxygen from reaching vital areas of the body. That oxygen is essential for proper healing and by reducing it to inflamed or injured areas our bodies don’t heal as easily.
It is for this reason that many patients seek alternative, natural, medication-free therapies like Chiropractic treatments at Nevada Spine and Disc.